More valuable is giving than receiving, so 10% is for others!
Even with a commercial purpose of achieving profit, in their professional activity, Tábua Digital employees are encouraged to devote 10% of their time to support causes and social activities in support of the community.
We seek to develop a healthy practice of caring for others. Promote good relations with the communities around us. This exercise does not include pro bono service provision activities. All possible pro-bono partnerships are fairly evaluated, through the availability of resources from Tábua Digital team.
Can Do
The activities can be developed in different formats and with different entities, according to the interest, availability of the employees of Tábua Digital.
All employees are encouraged to share projects that involve direct action with the community, or that enhance actions of social, cultural and ecological responsibility.
Examples of how to use 10% of our time
Training activities for the elderly
Support and volunteering actions
Creation of community involvement projects
Replanting of forest area
the business community
In addition to our Corporate and Social Responsibility activity with the 10% project, Tábua Digital has from the beginning an active presence with entities that promote best practices in the labour market.
We believe that through the interaction and sharing of experiences and good practices we can enhance and dignify the digital marketing and communication market in Portugal.